Thursday, October 6, 2011

Another Week Almost Gone

Well another week of is just about over.  We are completing our second full week of meeting in guided reading groups and I must say “Boy do my little people get noisy at times.”  I want so badly for them to be able to make their own center choices after their work is done.  However as always, it doesn’t take long before I realize that they are not ready for that kind of independence.  I guess I will have to go against my earlier wishes and assign them a center each day.  I’m sure it won’t go over to well with them; but I have to do what’s best.  So center assignment it is.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Centers in Action

This past week we began our guided reading rotation.  Things were a little rough this week.  However I’m certain that with time, it will improve. 

My goal for this year is to create literacy centers that are more interactive and not your typical paper and pencil centers.  I am very proud of the time that I have put into creating a variety of centers to reinforce what is being taught.  Below are a few pictures of the scrambled words center in action.  For this center I used plastic Easter eggs that contained letters for each spelling word.  The kids who used the center really seemed to enjoy it. 

Math Investigations

Well our Math Investigations are in full swing.  Over the past few weeks we have been learning about counting, combining, adding, and comparing numbers.  I really like the interactive component of the Math Investigations program and how it uses games to facilitate learning.  However it can get very loud at times with all of the math games going on at once.  We really need to work on volume control.  I’m thinking about creating guided math groups and rotating between games and seatwork.  I think that may help with controlling the noise volume a bit.  I think it is worth a try.
Collect 20 Together


Double Compare

Five in a Row

Roll and Record