Friday, September 16, 2011

C is for Character!

We are Mary B. Neal Elementary, Home of the Blue Crabs of Character.  That’s because having and showing good character is a big deal to us.  This year, to kick off our character education program, kids participated in an assembly about courage and followed it up with a character parade.  We all thought the parade was a great idea, but secretly worried about how we would get it all done by September 15.  Yes the secret is out.  We were a little worried about the time. However we did it and it was a HUGE success.  The floats were cute.  The students were awesome.  We loved as always seeing our great mascot, DJ.  It was a great celebration of character.  But now the hard work begins.  Showing good character all of the time can be challenging.  However I think we all ready for the challenge.  Check out the highlights of our day.

Our Courage Assembly 
Isn't that screen great. 
We've got to get one of those.

Here are the first grade floats. 
Check out how our Disney characters play fairly.

The pillars of character.
Our Fairness banner

Meet DJ, our mascot.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Projects Completed

This week are continuing to complete those back to school getting to know you activities.  We are also beginning to get into our curriculum routines.  Today the kiddies finally completed their books about their families.  I made books in the shape of a leaf to go on our Learning Tree.  I also finished decorating our class door.  I think the door and the tree look great.  But I guess I would think so since it’s my work.  There’s nothing wrong with a pat on your own back every now and again.

We have also worked in our Math Investigation series, exploring tools and playing games.  (If only the kids realized it’s all learning in disguise.)  Anyway they seem to enjoy working together and playing the games which makes me happy as well. 

Well I guess I need to rest up.  Tomorrow is the big day to share all that I will teach and all that the kids will learn, Open House.  It’s amazing how the stress tends to build up prior to.  And when it’s happening, you don’t really understand why you stressed at all.  I guess it comes with the job.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The New Kiddies

Well school has begun.  We spent a lot of time this week going over school, classroom, and playground procedures; and I’m sure we will do more of the same next week.  We completed some getting-to-know-you activities and explored math tools. 

I captured some of it on my camera that I unfortunately left at school.  Anyhow I did take our first class picture on my phone.  Honestly I think to phone pictures look a lot better than the camera’s.  I think I will use my phone more often.  I know you can’t tell by looking at a picture.  However I can tell that they are an OUTSTANDING group of kids.  I know we will have a great year of learning together.   

It's Been a Long Time

Well I just started this blog and it’s amazing how things can get busy very fast.  So many times, the many things you would like to do but may not have the time to do fall to the background.  Well many people posted pictures of their classroom, so I thought I would follow the trend.  This year I moved to a new class, different color walls, same size and layout, but it just feels new.  I know there is a lot of blank space on the wall.  Well, I'd like to call that "UNDER CONSTRUCTION!"  I have to save space for my kids to make their mark.  Check it out.
The view from the door.

Our Character Bulletin Board:
Somehow the rainbow theme just took on a mind of its own.  I just went with it.

A view from the back
Our Calendar Math Wall

This is one sections of our class library. 
I’m so proud of all of the hard work on my cataloging and labeling system. 
I think it looks AWESOME, if I may say so.

"Take to your Seat" Centers